Introductory photo

From Marin. For Marin.

I was born in Marin General Hospital, grew up in San Rafael, and currently live in Kentfield with my husband and four kids. For most of my youth and adult life, I have served in leadership positions in Marin: from being Student Body President at Marin Catholic to recently serving nine years on the Kentfield School Board. I care deeply about Marin and would be honored to have your vote for Marin County Supervisor. Read more about me here.


Candidate signature

I am grateful for your contribution!

Contributions to Friends of Heather McPhail Sridharan for Marin County Supervisor 2024 are not tax deductible for income tax purposes.

Friends of Heather McPhail Sridharan for Marin County Supervisor 2024 can accept contributions from individuals, businesses, or PACs of up to $5500 for the primary election and $5500 for the general election. Individuals (including spouses) may make separate contributions from a joint checking account. For reporting purposes, the full amount of the contribution is reported as coming from the individual who signs the check. If two or more individuals sign the check, the contribution is divided equally between the signers, unless there is an accompanying document signed by each individual whose name is printed on the check that clearly indicates a different apportionment. Individual donors are required by California law to disclose their street address. Those donating $100 or more are required to provide their occupation and employer. “Retired” is also acceptable. Paid for by Friends of Heather McPhail Sridharan for Marin County Supervisor 2024.  FPPC#1461685

If you would prefer to contribute by check, please make out a check to "Friends of Heather McPhail Sridharan for Marin County Supervisor 2024," and mail it to:

Friends of Heather McPhail Sridharan for Marin County Supervisor 2024
336 Bon Air Center, Mailbox #248, Greenbrae, CA. 94904

In the News & Press Releases


Marin Voice: Crossing guards benefit our entire community

”The crossing-guard program is more than just about keeping students safe as they walk and bike to school; the program also plays a key role in reducing traffic throughout Marin and lowering our county’s greenhouse gas emissions. According to the Marin Congestion Management Agency, up to 27% of the morning commute consists of parents and caregivers driving children to school.”

By Heather McPhail Sridharan


Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for Mar 1, 2024

"I support Heather McPhail Sridharan in next week’s primary election for a seat on the Marin County Board of Supervisors. She would be an outstanding supervisor representing District 2 because she’s a respectful listener, a long-term thinker and has experience on many issues that touch local government — including budgeting, finance, labor, transportation, public safety and land use.”

By Patricia Medina, Vice President, Latino Marin Lawyers and Former President, Kentfield Schools PTA


Marin IJ Readers’ Forum for Feb 24, 2024

"McPhail Sridharan and I have been part of the same Spanish conversation group for more than five years. I know her to be well-informed, personable and with an impeccable command of the Spanish language. I consider that to be a strong asset as she represents Latino constituents."

By Potter Wickware, Member, Marin Flood Control Zone 3


Endorse Heather Today.

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